Community BreakthroughsCommunities achieve impact by following Future Generations
guiding principles of: Building from Success, Growing through
Partners, Decisions from Evidence, and Learning New Behaviors. -
Conservation BreakthroughsCreating participatory zone-based conservation management
advances both people and nature. -
Peace BreakthroughsPeace can grow, expanding from the places in communities
where some peace already exists. -
Health BreakthroughsWith mothers as the #1 care providers and the home as the
#1 care facility, behavior change can cure 2/3 of health needs. -
Governance BreakthroughsBottom-up change grows within a top-down context.
Combined with outside-in learning, more effective
and inclusive change is created.
Future Generations facilitates connections and support for its global network partners to grow and share knowledge and practice that empower communities for equitable and sustainable change.
Where We Work
Learn more about what our alumni & network members do across the world
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400 Road Less Traveled
Franklin, WV. 26807
United States
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Email: info@future.org